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tv   [untitled]    October 4, 2012 10:00pm-10:30pm EDT

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well telemarketer washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight the big picture romney was declared the unofficial winner of last night's debate but he kept telling one lie after another does misleading america online for ninety minutes really make you a winner and where was the moderate mitt just a few weeks ago last tonight's politics panel and tonight we debut our new your take my take a live segment where you can call in live to ask a question or make a comment on the air stay tuned to find out how you can be on the big picture.
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you need to know this what's the point of presidential debates of one candidate can live for a half hour and then be declared the winner that's a question we should all ask ourselves one day after the first presidential debate in denver colorado consensus among pundits is that mitt romney won the debate and strictly in terms of style he did when pressed in the fight all night against a lethargic pro that president obama is the center for american progress pointed out the supporting romney told twenty seven lies or half truths in a matter of just the thirty eight minutes he spoke on stage last night on the lied about his own tax plan saying that it's not a five trillion dollars tax cut despite independent analysts of his plan saying it is a lot about obamacare repeating the same debunked myth that the president cut over seven hundred billion from medicare lied about the president's wall street reform law saying it doesn't need five banks is being too big to fail and deserving
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a blank check bailouts there is no such provision in the law and even flirted with the idea of death panels in obamacare president obama's campaign released this ad today highlighting many of these laws. i'm barack obama and i approve this message i'm not in favor of a five trillion dollar tax cut that's not my plan the nonpartisan tax policy center concluded that mitt romney's tax plan would cost point eight trillion dollars over ten years why won't romney leveled with this about his tax plan which gives the wealthy huge new tax breaks because according to experts you have to raise taxes on the middle class who are increased the deficit to pay for if we can't trust him how could we ever trust him here rather than acting like sportscasters this morning because mitt romney the winner in my opinion the media needs to be doing its job in fact checking but ultimately president obama did fail last night he failed it calling out mitt romney as an agent of the. president didn't mention romney's forty
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seven percent comments he didn't mention romney's tax dodging and offshore tax havens he didn't mention romney's career harvesting businesses of bain and of the president can't make the argument that romney's only looking out for the one percent. in my opinion he's going to lose more on that prospect later and tonight is a daily take for now i want to turn things over to our politics panel our panel tonight andrew langer president is to for liberty rich and follow the progressive strategist and brian darling senior fellow at the heritage foundation thanks for all your years of joining me everyone is saying that mitt romney won fine so my question is how do you lie all night and still get declared a winner twenty seven lies and half truths in thirty eight minutes for example on the tax plan. i'm not in favor of a five trillion dollars tax cut that's not my plan my plan is not to put in place any tax cut that will add to the deficit that's point one so you may keep referring to it as a five trillion dollar tax cut but that's not my plan. fact from the tax policy
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center romney's proposal for a twenty percent across the board cut in all federal income taxes eliminating the alternative minimum tax eliminating the estate tax and other tax reductions would reduce federal revenue four hundred eighty billion dollars in two thousand and fifteen and romney up until last night had never disputed that that that that that number has been around forever tax policy center study is flawed it is going to sell for has been running a twenty percent cut in taxes is a five trillion dollars in taxes over ten you know first of all that's not a tax increase in the middle class if you're cutting taxes i want to understand and i'm asserting it is all the president it what i wondering is why is romney disavowing it richard why is what i mean disavowing his own or the magistrate. i don't understand why he does the bowing his tax plan with this joseph who mitt romney is going to do anything to win and this is that what that shows he's going to depart from all of his conservative policies now he's the moderate mitt romney and the next the bit i guess is going to be conservative again with the put the quote i mean you know be the liberal neurontin exactly and you know what well i my
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point in all of this is mitt romney wasn't disavow his tax plan last night mitt romney was explaining us tax when explaining the realities of it the fact is we've got a and internal revenue code that is massive massively confusing it cost the american economy huge numbers of dollars every year with folks with anger out of the now suggesting changing what he's saying only twenty one percent across the board he's talking about a limited being deductions and changing things around what making it making that the tax code simpler which i think is something we've all talked about we've all agreed about there are savings that come about from that to the american economy as well so you know it's one of these things where i love it we've we focused on the fact that romney is apparently the big fat liar in this when you know you've got the huffington post surprisingly enough which is pointing out a whole host of obama's lies last night about his record about what he wants to do but the real question though andrew is so you're right he might some by the tax code but he says that he wants to grow the middle class in the old romney care the middle class with simplifying the tax code means you have middle class. and you were the child you hurt middle class families or middle class parents or they were
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the mortgage the mortgage deduction getting rid of those he won't give any specifics that offer one of the sort of thing oh if you say i said he was going to say here's the road here's the problem brian he's never advocating getting ready getting rid of any deductions he so it's lace inductions but it's what he's saying i'm going to i'm going to close loopholes what loopholes trust me just make me president i'll take care of in all fairness and in theory here if he eliminates if he if he changes the way that you can do to duck taxes you deduct your charitable contributions the bottom line is that hurts the wealthiest americans more than anybody else because they're the ones who give the most to true that may well be the last twenty does everyone that doesn't do it all because we have no idea what he's going to do is he wants allies of the to sit here and sort of speculate is just pure academics is how many angels can dance on the head of the band when the president asked yesterday what are you going to cut and one thing this is tom i have to one which is where my struggle with the problem i think the president should have more stronger and saying i will give you all the time in the world that
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you need to tell us what doctrines you're going to get rid of because the american people want to know i want to know and i'm pretty sure the people watching at home one of them and he should have asked over and over and over again but i'm bored. we can monday morning quarterback that anyhow here's the the medicare the lie on medicare. what i support is no change for current retirees and near retirees to medicare and the president supports taking seven hundred sixteen billion dollars out of that program. it's unfortunate that the president smiles and looks away at who's going to work on it it's true it's the seven hundred sixteen billion dollars was raided it paid all my care hall ryan identified as waste and fraud and abuse make sure their image is not waste there and to be always it absolutely is medicare advantage is the privatized part of medicare that the republicans put into medicare and shouldn't be there it's that is why the c.e.o. of united health care has made over a billion dollars well first of all one guy why there's one hundred people who make
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over a million dollars a year united health care because of medicare advantage you know what i do agree but what obama is doing is that he wants a little less than the bush mitt romney has not adopted that portion of the paul ryan plan and said very clearly he wants to pour the money back into medicare and medicare would be converted into a program where you have a choice it's not you're not taking away anybody's benefits you have a choice right this goes back to the real mitt romney a flip flopper first he says the paul ryan budget is a marvelous idea what a marvelous thing he was past that immediately and he says well i want the paul ryan budget but not this part not that far you heard on simpson oh is the only one in the same but in a we've seen this also from romney on obamacare first look we need to repeal obamacare but not the popular parts we want to keep kids on their parents' health care insurance we want to make sure people with preexisting conditions can get health care but we don't want the other parts of the bill understand that you can't get one part without the other he didn't say that he said he didn't like the state exactly what you know that yesterday he said if it was indeed should be a model in massachusetts keeps kids on till they're twenty six it mandates
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preexisting he said no no no one has donated money to the development plan to save us and rule in the past he has said that romney care should be and i'm all i know is that the law the more we as americans focus on medical care and health care access as an insurance issue the further away we get from dealing with this problem because whether no matter how you slice it if you look at it as an h.m.o. problem or government run problem that the american people in the end lose and that's the thing last night that i would have pointed out frank. if i were mitt romney that i would have pointed out to the president that his individual mandate proposal was a massive bailout for big insurance forcing everybody to buy a product does nothing but transfer wealth from one group of people to the h.m.o. system which is part and parcel of what's destroying health care is there is one little piece in there that i think was the big pieces got everybody freaked out and this is what the repeal is all about and that says that after twenty fourteen states can decide to do their own single payer systems that's what happen in canada started says catch want to spread across the country the vermont state legislature
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has already passed and the governor has signed into law a bill that in twenty fourteen will start twenty sixteen and will start a single payer health care in vermont and now they're doing this in montana no matter how we slice it if we do not address the underlying problems as to why health care health care costs not health insurance costs health care costs are going up if we increase demand without increasing the supply of doctors nurses and physicians assistants and really destroy homes here in america those are all nice words but twenty percent of the costs right off the top are going to these big corporations and businesses are going to be so so so wedded so we're going to mandate that everybody buy a product for those insurance co your study i suggested that we do what every other developed country in the civilized world has done richard i completely agree with you tom i think but i think obamacare was one step in the right direction i think what the president really wanted was a thing bill payer system that would have all the all the barbara what would it what year it will you know it wouldn't solve our problems at all it wouldn't you might want to give you credit because i think you're right we do need to put more teachers a new more nurses in the hospitals and that we should pass before that we should pass the american jobs act unfortunately paul ryan is under forty thousand on
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fortunate we are not fixing the underlying problems as to why doctors and nurses and physicians assistants are getting out of this business why they're not going to be because you're not getting paid enough so that i'm going to be there no no no they're not getting out of this business i have two kids who fall into those categories how do we how do we control how do we control costs of government run health care if you know there's no way to drive those costs down here are those the prices of sort of i'm not filibuster how do we how are we going to draw those prices down if we're not going to cut medicaid we're going to cut medicare to. to get all of it let's play the ball my mother is a registered nurse in florida and she'll tell you the story like every other registered nurse that will tell you she will tell you that they're making the nurses take pay cuts while the big one in the bank running the running the hospital are getting big corporate bonuses and that's what has to stop and i agree this if we have my wife has a family physician who will tell you that when you increase patient panels by twenty percent and you drop reimbursement cost of doctors doctors get out if you don't understand that doctors have malpractise insurance card payments that they have to make we have an fix them up practice insurance problem they have medical
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school loan repayments you can't refinance or so all of those things were you know it was a muslims are willing to negotiate with the president obama care we don't probably got that done but you guys that was that your idea is that obamacare is going to just have one of the break brian has not said we are joining this. but i would say that tom you pointed out two states that you agree with the single payer systems being set up in those states massachusetts has its own version right why aren't these decisions best made on the state level not done one size fits all the other and obamacare is that starting in two thousand and sixteen states can just do whatever they want well mitt romney agrees with the idea that states should be allowed to have flexibility to do what they want to lead part of obamacare he wants to repeal obamacare but conservatives do believe that states should be allowed to take care of these issues go at comprehensive health care reform and i say that sounds nice but the let's keep in place those laws that prevent the states of doing that will be the laws of these overburdened federal laws that medicare and medicaid
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that don't give enough flexibility to the states to do what they want to do with their own money medicare and well ok we will leave you with the last word because it won last last night's debate of politics you know. my parents really truly honestly believe that what had happened was as a result of my father's exposure to agent orange i was born with multiple problems . and i was missing my leg. and my fingers and my big toe on my right foot i use my hands a lot in my artwork i find myself drawing my hands quite a bit to me. for my hands you know just as if anyone won but they do tell a story they tell us story of. the oxen. world
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. science technology innovation all the developments around russia we've got a few jerks covered. welcome
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back to tonight's planet politics panel on our panel tonight ender langar president of the institute for liberty richard foller host of the richard feller radio show and brian darling senior fellow at the heritage foundation and let's get back to a dad frank this we were talking about mitt romney's lies here is his lie on dodd frank. i wouldn't disagree five banks is too big to fail and give them a blank check that's one of the unintended consequences that dodd frank it wasn't
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thought through properly we need to get rid of that provision. the fact the matter is that provision doesn't exist banks are designated as systemically significant which is not a good thing as it means that they have to abide by more stringent regulations plus the banks all have basically living wills to be wound down not bailed out dodd frank and small imitates bailouts no it doesn't at all if you look at the language of dog frank it gave the fed more power to give loans to these institutions and wall street the too big to fail institutions are all bigger now ever since the meltdown on wall street that that in receded rank no they're bigger now than they were when the economy melted down two thousand is in-style bring all businesses are bigger now but the economy has grown. frank didn't solve any of the problems is systemic problems we had wall street it didn't do anything to go it that so so would you suggest that we break up the big banks no way i think we should repeal dodd frank. you don't like god frank is it doesn't break up the big banks when they
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wouldn't want to is that got me an annoyed me about this debate last night is that jim lehrer's question was about the regulatory state and all of us on the president turns it to to an issue of dodd frank and the fact is that we cannot as a society ignore the fact that we have a regulatory state that cost the american economy two trillion dollars annually and sort of is over that creates the american economy no going to has a mitt romney correctly pointed out last night without regulations you don't have to go on and on and i don't want to rule over a soccer game but no one is talk. about eliminating the regulatory state but we have to look at the fact that you were on a second ago you were i don't know not only to get entirely but we can if we cut the regulatory state by twenty percent we can create twelve million jobs and you're low there you are i'll give you out you're completely right of the what we've seen president obama in the past four years with limited more regulation of small business is than george bush did in eight years was the right that is a job is not a no but it was a lot through regulatory items from his unlimited regulation when i go to a tournament i just said he limited regulations but regulatory cost regulatory costs under obama have gone up forty five percent the idea of the regulator who
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according to the small business administration and they they do what they do with a five year snapshot of the regulatory state and under obama ok go look it up but some examples cafe standards that's an obama regulation dodd frank is a law that said you know let's start let's start with cafe stand yes do you do you think that we should continue to be subsidizing the oil industry by saying we're going to have our navy protect their shipping lanes they're not going to pay for any of that we're going to we're going to subsidize their drilling their you know their or your and your wife's is going to treat their ok and the cancer is going to as governor romney pointed out last night green energy is getting far more in subsidies then i want on the oil industry which we hope to hold on the thing that was actually another one of the lies which you know you get to in just a second i know we'll get to that but i don't understand when these oil companies are making billions and billions and billions of dollars they continue to get tagged they get the most of my marital advice and i don't think they're going to i have no problem with eliminating subsidies or not actually is everybody's wonders everybody wonders why the president is you could paltry tightens up so that i we're
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all sort of talking over here but everybody wonders why the president's paltry tax cuts didn't work and the reason why they didn't work is because we have a massive regulatory state that has grown under the president in cost we have to cut those costs right now small businesses businesses with twenty employees or less are playing to eleven thousand dollars per employee per year and i don't see a democracy i beg to differ here i think what we saw from the stimulus package would be the biggest middle class tax cut in american history but we saw you we did . president hold on a second ok i want a second the president created four point three million jobs on top of the home and a million jobs are present when the president would have a bible in on top of the twenty first of two thousand and nine we were at the negative eight percent g.d.p. growth now every quarter since then we've seen that we've seen the g.d.p. growth of the positives i mean you know those are all the result is that it was twenty seven hundred to seven hundred billion dollars stimulus package get out of nowhere this reset it did absolutely not got us out of a recession when the recession we're still in a recession got us out of depression we had a lot of sense actually we're not in a recession when the back to energy here's here is mitt romney on energy. you put
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ninety billion dollars into it to green jobs and i look i'm all in favor of green energy ninety billion that would have that would have hired two million teachers ninety billion dollars and these businesses many of them are going out of business i think about half of them of the ones have been invested in it go to business. fact twenty three billion of the ninety billion went toward clean coal energy efficiency upgrades updating the electric grid environmental cleanup and largely for old nuclear weapons sites as of late last year only three out of the twenty six recipients of seventeen hundred five loan guarantees to file for bankruptcy with as to with losses estimated at six tenth's of one billion dollars six hundred billion dollars so and beyond that andrew what's wrong with investing in clean energy well first i don't really do not like i don't believe the government should be picking winners and losers in that way i don't know i don't i don't think that they should
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be doing that but then we're all going to be losers what we're all going to die if i've been mitt romney i would have focused on cylindrica last night i would focus on the fact you have the president clinton cylinder he mentioned it but he didn't focus on it i would have focused on cylinder i would have talked about the fact it was the president's cronies who got governor listen tom you and i have talked about government corruption the past government corruption comes in corruption comes in when the government can transfer and when you ask the amounts of government money to private individuals to further their bets w. bush well that's the basis of. five hundred or five hundred million dollars in one direction how long i've hundred million dollars going to the president's cordy's which which funds the out of that and evaluation department said most of the energy department said this will do. this will fail on x. date and it failed on x. date and yet there seems to be no discussion whatsoever of a couple points here first point is when we would they were giving out no bid contracts at all which is the oil but if there was no tea party out here protesting doesn't point one point two when president obama took office hold on a second when president obama took office we only had one percent of the green
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battery technology degree battery industry now the united states competing against china japan and germany with twenty percent of them are world market share battery technology because the president made investment in the greatest with this country has the american and how where and how are electric cars working out for us i'm talking about the green battery in this you know how can that we have all of the disease we have actually they're working out so well that the japanese are making a lot of money selling them here well our auto industry says. certainly isn't doing it here is. several a is doing well they've also been told to disaster rice nobody is buying them they look at the fisker automotive as one hundred thousand dollar car that uses an electric bass and leaf is one hundred percent electric it's doing great they're not doing well because people can't afford them there are over price and that's one of the problems with these electric cars i mean if your battery ever has to be problem all these are cars are under thirty thousand dollars these are they're expensive if i can afford one maybe you can't with all the money in here so i can order for a new car i would never go out and buy a green car because they are really expensive and they're also so that they
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wouldn't be reasonable for us to say you know gee this technology is expensive this this is this and yet this technology is what's going to save the planet from melting down with global warming so maybe we should be subsidizing it so our grandchildren our children grandchildren great grandchildren don't end up in a world is dying around them we shouldn't do that because if it's going to make money if it is such a great make knology let the free market work let's keep there are not bets as money and there he is just the thing is of three are and keep in mind that what again cost of regulation the fact that energy costs have gone up to make electric cars far far more expensive to own and operate and run and then you think about of course because we're getting it if we're driving up the price of electricity it makes it much much more expensive for people to have their electric cars and to fuel them and the and they're going to happen in germany when they go when they go when the government stepped in the government came in and said ok we will give anybody who owns a home we will back through the banks where the not a government dollar was spent on this the banks will loan you
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a ten year ten year mortgage to put solar panels on the roof your house and then they said to the electric companies who want to build two new nuclear power plants they said to get a watts of power they said electric companies you buy that electricity at seven times the current rate for ten year period which is the period of time we take to pay for the nuclear power plant that's the exact same amount of money as a two nukes would cost and we'll see. if we can build a two gigawatts where the solar power they built out ten gigawatts of solar power they had to stop the program at the end of a years because there are so many solar they have a grand canyon now and i'll point out that there are that you know you want to talk about car companies the fact that two major german automatic factors are now building cars here in america because the cost of doing business over there has got to do with what we saw going to don't already own energy or like the cost of government grows up if you are if you're taxing they're making car center because they're selling cars here well i'm also because it's cheaper to buy you know we'd be more like our socialist friends in france and have more nuclear power plants
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would be a good idea do you hear the report today the i.a.e.a. a e a there's not a single french nuclear power plant that meets the basic safety standards so france is scrambling twenty three billion dollars that they going to spend to upgrade their nuclear power plants research the truth of the matter is that the only way this country is going to work in order to get this economy back on track is we have to invest in america's greatest resource is what he told the but you know we get all this money that just isn't it the money we use the money we printed for the war in afghanistan in iraq we can use that money to start with a member can you do whatever you need to do with the money or it has been printed on the internet and drug bill the door to bush passed and then you could have been on a plane i could draw you i don't want to do this president on his tax cut who's going to have all those money in the bill or did that every year every year he's run a trillion just as good a really simple question there's a difference between spending and investment what would you invest it in or if you were running the government right now i would well if i were running the government got the gist of it wasn't it's not what i'm doing us out the government be investing what you would not in the us now think richard what would you invest were patient reform high speed rail lines ok defense defense if you think that's an
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investment of well it's a constitutional function of the federal government i know you will it is it is actually in the constitution three that it is an investment because if you are defending your country you can continue to do business and you'll see like a promise i would want to invest in education i think we should be investing is not our job and the role how how is it not what states should do states should do health care state constitution clearly gives congress the. the next and i don't know it's just the right but the obligation of the first to make convention doesn't give give the government any rights let's make that very clear the constitution of the right solution so to impose it is not good no and those are my words those are not rights any time we're going to progress you're actually you're actually right yeah i can see that but in fact will wrap it up a little bit about a lot prior the last word and this to andrew richard bryant thank you very much i will be back.
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crazy alert brazilians like big butts and the law of the nation of brazil is getting ready to celebrate big bodacious booties annual miss bom bom pageant is about to get underway the pageant is a nationwide contest that seeks to find the best natural barrier in the country twenty seven contestants were chosen in the first round of the pageant one from each of brazil's federative unions from the twenty seven on line voting will determine the final fifteen will get to sao paulo brazil for the best but finals in november captures the imagination and the attention of the eyes in the eyes of the entire nation annually it is not without controversy one contestant seville ribeiro was almost disqualified from the voting rounds because judges thought she might have implants but after an x. ray proved that her cheeks weren't tainted tainted the judges let her back into the competition so if you like a whole lot of buoy shake and fun then up on
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a plane and head down to brazil which on. coming up the phone lines are now open for the debut of our new york take my take it live segment so if you want the chance to ask me a question live or talk on the big picture give us a call at two zero zero two nine zero zero four twenty one thirty four give us a call now and be able to talk with you right after the break. the war. in. iraq.
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coming up. more news today violence is once again flared up. and these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. giant corporations rule the day.


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